2009 – November

USARM Board Meeting Minutes
November 17, 2009

Attendees - Ron, Chris, Jim, Jan, Ted, Mick, Rosebud
Absent - Ken (approved), Mike

Meeteing Start 7:09 PM

1. $100 Check received and deposited.
2. SCRAMP was sent the information and we are still waiting for the check from SCRAMP for the t-shirts.
3. HMSA monies still due to us and on their way.
4. Old account has $8 remaining in it.
5. Balance of new account - as of October 18, 2009 - $9,698.34
1. Do we need a monthly newsletter? Minimum of 4 Grids per year.
     A.) We post the minutes online so monthly Grids are not required. More discussion needed.
2. Electronic Grid? Absolutely. Need to set a deadline on when we will go to Electronic Grids entirely.
3. Obituaries – Russ Hayes – Need a pic of Russ to put in the GRID along with his obituary.
1. POC – Jan to review
2. HMSA – Ted talked to Chris. Monies at end of the month. HMSA is sanctioning body for Monterey Historics and it is 4 days. Ted will talk to Chris and Bo.
3. Russell – Final event last weekend. Only 5 drivers. Cross Training accomplished. Russell contract should be back to us relatively soon.
4. Skippy – Jan to check on status. Jan to call Jim. Down to 8-10 people.
Membership Application
1. Discuss membership and wording for the membership application.
2. Voting Member or not – Yes, all members will be voting members per corporate guidelines.
3. Must be age 18 to work on course. Parent Signature is a must if under age 18 to work any position.
4. Clear easy directions on renewals – do a separate Minor application. Mickey will work with Ted on that. No other changes to the membership application.
5. Membership dues for 2010 - $25.00 Keep it at the same rate - MSP
6. Ted contacted the two members who have already renewed and informed them their membership cards would be coming towards the end of the month.
1. Electronic Signature – Jan to check with Lynda of IMSA. Awaiting answer.
2. Check a checkbox that says you have read everything and agree to it. So the check confirms this is done and agreed to. In accordance with USARM policies and procedures.
3. Merchandise - Mickey recommendation – a list of the items available and what a member wants to order. Put it online so it will be sent via email to Rosebud so he has something to go off to send the products.
4. Corporation - Checking with Angele on concerns putting up a classified ad . Only for registered members.
5. Training - Jim Short – Training Session will be put up on a Survey tool. Jim is working with a company that does surveys. Do two tests – one for motorcycles and one for cars.
6. Concalls - Need USARM credit card info for USARM to put on concall account. Info provided by Rosebud.

Meeting ended at 8:15 pm.

Next Board Meeting is December 15th – 7 pm