2013 – June

USARM Board Meeting Minutes
June 11, 2013


Attendees: Jan, Doug, Ted, Ken, Jim, Mark, Rosebud
Absent: Deb



Deposit $2,060 in membership checks. Balance is $16,710.26



Ted will pull some money from Paypal


Inventory (Completed)

Whistles - Qty 600
Clipboards - Qty 300


Race Business

Mick Brown - We would like him to Run the Crew. We wanted him to do that all along.
Kevin Bigley - Draggin Wagon - Jan will talk to him
Poster - Doug created poster and Ted will run it by Gil Campbell
Banquet - Rosebud will finalize stuff with Rochelle on Sunday.
Tickets - Ted working with Ginger on the tickets. They wanted to do 3 separate tickets. Our request is only 1
Patches and Pins - Maybe pass those out in ziplock bags in the Turn Marshall Bags

Other Business

Underwoods - Need their apps - Jan to tie out with them this weekend
Mike Texieria - Wife is working also.
BARF - Notice out on BARF - Jan to check
Check with Mickey Housel about Admin Access for USARM.NET
Security Certificate - Did Mickey buy one or generate one himself. Let Mark know.
Donation or Flowers for Kathy - Flowers and $100 donation


Next Meeting - June 18th, 2013

2013 – March

USARM Board Meeting Minutes
March 19, 2013


Attendees: Jan, Deb, Doug, Ted, Kenny, Mark, Jim
Absent: Rosebud



Balance - $15,050.36 - all bills paid and up to date

Corporation - 2 online forms to be submitted by May 30, 2013

Tax update - in process



Letter sent out to specific personnel regarding issues - completed and sent.



Applications - 50 or 60 received so far. Deadline is May 17th

Contract - Ted will meet with Bo. No change, adding the Generator.

Equipment - Inventory - TBD

Whistles - Order a few more than last year due to two races.

Clipboards - discussed

Lanyards - discussed

Banquet - Awaiting update from Caterer on 2 dinners – one at each

Jan - Awaiting discussion with Bill regarding events

Website - Jan to meet with Mark. We have Board Meeting minutes to add to the website and info for the Grid.


Communications Committee

Doug, Bev and Mark Curtsinger met and finalized the Radio Communications Protocol.

They also developed a 4 page Checklist for the Turn Marshals.

Doug will send all this information to all the TMs from last year and to get input from them to incorporate into the documentation.

Doug to meet with Mark to update the Training documentation on our website.

List of all the members signed up for the race. Mark will add that to the website.


Round Table

Doug looking at a way to get the TMs priority to go out to the turns.

Mark to add Doug's email to the Webpage.

Mark - Need the Board Meeting Minutes and Grid info. Jan to schedule time with Mark and send info.

Ted - Corporation Paperwork just received to be signed by Jim Short and mailed before the end of May 2013.

All - Discussion about ensuring Workers to check in with TMs if they are able to take a session off to give someone a break. If you are not in an active station then check in and rotate them so someone can take a break today or someone different tomorrow. TMs to work on schedule to ensure personnel have time to take breaks.


Next Meeting - April 16th, 2013

2012 – September

USARM Board Meeting Minutes
September 25, 2012


Attendees: Jan, Ted, Jim, Mickey, Debra, Rosebud
Absent: Kenny (Approved - Proxy-Ted)


Meeting called to order 7:00 pm (Pacific time)



A.) Letter from Doug Smith
- Jim reached out to Doug about putting together a team to update our USARM Training Documents and document Moto-GP Specific Procedures and Processes including radio protocol.
- Doug is pulling together the key players from Race Control

B.) Discussed engaging the Turn Marshals to document Turn Specifics

C.) Discussion about turn assignments and rotation from year to year - pros and cons



A.) Date for Moto-GP set at July 21st weekend – one week earlier than last year.

B.) Ted will meet with track management to address the "LONG" list of concerns we had this past year.

Workers out very late with VIP Laps
Goodies for our workers not delivered until the end of the day on Sunday
USARM Office provided was tiny and did not allow us to do any prep work so we were delayed getting everything done
Attitude of the Track personnel we had to interface with to try to get issues resolved


World SuperBike

A.) New event added to the Calendar in September 2013

2012 – January

USARM Board Meeting Minutes
January 17, 2012


Attendees: Jan, Jim, Mickey, Ken, Debra, Rosebud
Absent: Ted Kuwada


Officers elected

Treasurer – Rosebud

Secretary – Jan

VP – Mickey

President – Jim


Annual Resolutions

Ken raised discussion about the 2012 Resolution for Moto-GP for Ted. Jan to create the 2012 Resolution for Ted for Moto-GP – Manager, financial decisions, Accepting, assigning and moving people, etc.



1.) Several emails have already come in looking for Apps. Discussed with the Board.

2.) Recommendation to put Moto-GP Application online this year – Mickey will reach out to Ted.

3.) Put in a note at the bottom of the application that submitting this application constitutes you are agreeing to certain stipulations – Mickey working on that now.

4.) Usually the Application goes online around March 1st. Recommendation we hold off for now.

5.) Further discussion at the next meeting.



1.) Discussion on what to do about Money orders, Cashier’s checks, and other out of the country checks – Debra states there should not be a difference. Rosebud to check further and advise the Board.

2.) Membership will remain at $25.

3.) Lifetime Membership discussion – since the vote has to be unanimous we will wait until we have a full Board for discussion.



1.) FIM Training is online now – Mickey recommended we shoot our own training videos and put them online.

2.) Deb recommended we approach a specific person she named to narrate. She will reach out to him.

3.) Mickey, Deb and Rosebud will reach out to members/volunteers to film an updated training video.

4.) We might want to check with Tri-Country about doing a fire-school.

5.) Also seeking private property to film

6.) Rosebud to check with Rangers on doing a fire school in the Pistol Range.


Financial Update

1.) 16,855.83 Balance


Meeting adjourned 8:15 pm

Next Meeting - February 21st, 2012

2011 – December

USARM Board Meeting Minutes
December 20, 2011


Attendees: Jim, Kenny, Mickey, Jan, Ron, Chris, Rosebud
Guest – Ted Kuwada



1.) 124 Ballots cast out of 379 – 32.7% return overall

2.) Electronic Balloting – 116 Ballots Cast

3.) US Mail – 16 ballots mailed, 8 returned

4.) Result – Electronic Balloting proven to return highest percentage of return from our members.

5.) Reviewed results.

a. Re-elected to the Board – Jim Short and Rosebud

b. Elected to the Board – Debra Cerny

c. Next highest vote count – Ted Kuwada. Ted was appointed to the Board and accepted the appointment.

Congratulations to Jim, Rosebud, Debra and Ted

6.) Jim to reach out to Debra with election update.

7.) Jan to reach out to Debra and schedule time to review Board Logistics and to go through the Processes and Procedures.


New Opportunity Update

1.) Proposals sent

2.) We will touch back in early January to proceed with plans for 2012 and future


Financial Update

1.) Bank Balance $16,212.90 after reprinting costs


Round Table

1.) A huge thank you to Ron and Chris Vlastelica for their service on the Board. Discussion encompassed the leadership and direction they brought to the Board and how instrumental they were in resolving issues and setting the club onto the proper course for fiscal responsibility.


Meeting adjourned 7:35 pm

Next Meeting - January 17th, 2012

2011 – November

USARM Board Meeting Minutes
November 15, 2011


Attendees: Jan, Ken, Mickey, Ron, Chris, Rosebud
Absent: Jim
Guest – Ted Kuwada


Financial Report

1.) Balance $17,025.02

2.) Attempted Credit Card fraud - Rosebud got a call from Sears in Brentwood, CA. Someone was trying to use our credit card to purchase 4 – Xbox units. Two smaller purchases done earlier in the day. Store declined the purchase. Rosebud went to the bank immediately and our card was shut off. New cards have been reissued. No financial impact to USARM.

3.) Need to send our monthly vendors new credit card information.

4.) Motion to send Chris a check for $100 to plant a tree in her brother’s memory. Purchase previously approved by the Board. Motion Carried

5.) Corporate books need to be audited by the end of December to have clean hand-off to next board. Chris to call Rosebud about the audit reminder.



1.) Rosebud and Jim are going to rerun.

2.) Chris will rerun.

3.) Ron will most likely go back to Africa so he will not rerun

4.) Discussion on going forward.

5.) Election to proceed with 3 running for 4 positions. Write ins and Corporate policy will ensure a proper election.



1.) AMA is running with Moto-GP again. Unsure about Moto2.

2.) Ted to check with Bo on contract

3.) Jan to check with Gil regarding previous discussion.


Letterhead, etc.

1.) Discussion about new letterhead

2.) Mickey to send the Board a “WORD” Template to be used.

3.) Envelopes to be ordered with USARM PO Box

4.) Membership cards with the new (old) logo


Next Meeting - December 20, 2011

2011 – October

USARM Board Meeting Minutes
October 18, 2011 ***


Attendees: Jim, Mickey, Jan, (Ken by Proxy)
Absent: Ron, Chris, Rosebud


Meeting called to order at 7:06 pm



1.) Call out to members to run for the Board



1.) Previous months minutes to review and approve – Jan sending out to the Board



1.) Limited discussion

2.) Brief discussion of Moto2 incident from past weekend


Future Opportunity

1.) Stay tuned


Round Table

1.) Nothing further


Next Meeting - November 15, 2011

Meeting adjourned at 7:22 pm

*** Possibly shortest Board meeting in USARM history.

2011 – September

USARM Board Meeting Minutes
September 20, 2011


Attendees: Jan, Rosebud, Jim, Mickey, Ron (Welcome Back!), Chris, Ken
Guest – Ted Kuwada


Finance Report

1.) Balance $19,297.13



1.) Looking for a few good men and women to run for the board


New Opportunities

1.) Reviewed progress and updates



1.) Reviewed outstanding issues

2.) Email regarding Fire Marshal – More detail coming later

3.) Camping needs to be expanded for safety and comfort


Worker Awards

1.) Discussed Nominees


Next Meeting - October 18, 2011

2011 – August

USARM Board Meeting Minutes
August 16, 2011


Attendees: Jan, Ken, Jim, Chris, Mickey, Rosebud
Absent: Ron - Africa (excused)
Guest – Ted Kuwada


Debrief from Moto-GP

1.) Track Set-up

a.) The signage guys were late so that put us late.

b.) We marked the cement walls so next year should be easier. Stencils with a T or an F to use next year.

c.) To set up the flags – Set up a pylon with the flag in the general location. Grab extra pylons.

d.) Setting up the Extra Hay Bales

e.) Remove the tires behind Turn 4 and at 8A and the tires at Turn 9 Ambulance Station

2.) Radios

a.) Radio Testing on Thursday

b.) Dorna repeaters were on the Penn Comm building and were affecting the entire race communications

c.) Repeaters were very close so that might be the problem

d.) Short 6 headsets

3.) Dragon Wagon

a.) Discussion about drivers

b.) Ensure every person has a whistle

4.) Social

a.) Find out when lunches are delivered. Delivered between 10:40 and 11:00 am – race traffic series

b.) Bo will give us more gaters and we will have two extra people

c.) Maybe some extra time at lunch

d.) Ice will be at Hospitality next year

e.) Tiara did a great job under trying circumstances

f.) Better electricity at Turn 11

5.) Medical

a.) Inspection went terrific – Red and Orange separated.

6.) Problem workers

a.) Various issues but minor

7.) Worker Injuries

a.) Get the incident forms from Ann on Thursday

b.) One worker injured during Track set-up and another on Saturday

8.) Need to send money for lunches to SCRAMP

9.) Ice Chests for Everyone

a.) Looking into those small portable ice chests. Discussion going forward.

10.) Vests

a.) No Autographs on the Vests

12.) Camping Area

a.) Need more camping space – Talked to Bill about other areas. Talk to Franklin about the archery range

b.) Genie Sumner – Picture of our camping area. – Contact her to get a picture

11.) Make sure the PA is in the trailer before the weekend.

12.) Reminder each morning – Grab some bottled water


USARM Stationery

1.) New membership cards, letterhead, etc.



1.) $19,063.88 Balance at this time. Some Moto-GP monies still due to be paid.

2.) $4.25 made in interest

3.) All checks have cleared


Board Elections

1.) Elections are coming up. Who is running? Ron, Rosebud, Chris and Jim are up for re-election.


Round Table

1.) Ron tried to call in but the delay was too significant from Africa.


Next Meeting - September 20, 2011

2011 – July

USARM Board Meeting Minutes
July 12, 2011


Attendees: Ken, Chris, Mickey, Jan, Jim, Rosebud
Absent: Ron - Afica (excused)


1) Moto-GP Jan and Mickey talked with Ted about MotoGP items.

A) Headcount Jan and Mickey confirmed with Ted that we are good.

B) Membership Refunds for cancellations? Discussion about cancellations and timing of cancellation.

C) Camping Mickey has been working on the Camping

D) Inventory Done only need coffee supplies, ear plugs, 1 bottle of Woolite and a couple of shovels

E) Flags update from Jan – Flags ordered and will be sent directly to Laguna for us to pick up.

F) Fire Bottles have been redone. Rosebud has bill. We have 108 fire bottles.

G) Medical Staffing

i) Medical Staffing Confirmed.

ii) Deb Bolton – a dream come true.

iii) Medical Meeting

iv) NMPs. Ann has 13 NMP's lined up. Have apps for 9. Waiting for 4 more apps.

v) Jan to review the issue with Deb about how the Safety Cars cannot leave the track.

H) Training

i) Set time for Training

ii) Dragon Wagon Training – Thursday Afternoon/Evening – Manual is ready to go.

iii) Need PA in Worker Camping Rosebud has it at his house. It is charged up ready to go.

I) E-Power Bikes - Sent info out with confirmation letter

I) Inventory

i) Inventory completed

ii) Flags to be ordered

a) 2 Ambulance Flags - White with Red Cross 80-100 Pantone Colors

b) 9 - Yellow

c) 2 - Green

d) 2 - Red

e) Send to Kenny's House.

iii) We have 6 extra complete sets of flags

J) Kevin Crowder Jan has talked to Kevin. He wants no changes from last year.

K) Dragon Wagon

i) Rotation discussed and documented

ii) Details will be discussed during training

iii) Ted to send a list of everyone who signed up for the Dragon Wagon. He will send to Jan and Mick Monday evening 7/11

iv) Thursday ride around - Jan to talk to Rob. Also need to ck with Bo to see if they need a chase truck for Riders for Health Tour Ride and ask Rob if he's willing to do it if needed.

L) Banquet

i) Status

ii) plates? Utensils? Napkins? Cups for chowder? Chef will provide all utensils and plates and napkins – everything needed

iii) Jan bringing propane tank for the USARM BBQ

iv) Jan bringing tins to put under the BBQ to capture drippings

v) Rosebud will bring grate for over the drain in the camping area.

vi) Jan to send list of signage to Rosebud for his review and then onto Bo. There are only a couple needed

M) Postal Canada is on Strike – Update: Strike was over June 27th. Found out on the 29th and mailed Canadian confirmation letters June 30th

N) Have some guest passes at registration.

2) Proficiency Testing

A) List of all who completed is being compiled for certificate distribution

3) Treasurer’s Report by Rosebud

A) Balance $15,609.00

B) Discussed charges for out of country checks and money orders.

C)Paypal Balance is approximately $750. Mickey will pull $500 deposit before the race.

4) Corporate Update Will discuss at next meeting.

Next Meeting August 16, 2011

2011 – June

USARM Board Meeting Minutes
June 21, 2011


Attendees: Jan, Jim, Ken, Chris, Mick and Rosebud
Absent: Ron - Afica (excused)
Guests: Ted Kuwada


1) Moto-GP

a) Workers

i) Discussed current count and outstanding applications.

ii) Emails sent to all who haven't sent in their camping information

iii) Emails and phone calls are being made to those who signed up for camping but who have not sent in their apps.

b) Medical Staffing

i) Medical Center will be staffed with SCRAMP Doctors and working on further staffing.

ii) NMPs will take a much more active medical standing this year.

iii) Due to the change - USARM will refund membership monies to NMPs due to their medical involvement from this year going forward.

c) Training

i) Doug Smith will do training again

ii) Dragon Wagon Training - Thursday Afternoon/Evening

d) E-Power Bikes

i) Ted to attend meeting

ii) Fire Suspension Blankets are part of required equipment. SCRAMP researching

e) Kevin Crowder - Jan to talk to Kevin

f) Dragon Wagon

i) Rotation discussed

ii) Details will be discussed during training

iii) Ted to send a list of everyone who signed up for the Draggin Wagon

iv) Thursday ride around - Jan to talk to Rob

g) Postal Canada is on Strike - Concerns about getting confirmations out to the workers

2) Treasurer's Report

a) Computer? New Email address for Rosebud

b) Jan to send map to Rosebud of camping area.

c) Balance in the Bank Account - $15,427.69

i) All checks have been mailed.

ii) Balance on payPal is $446.06 after $500 deposited to USARM last weekend.

iii) Ted has approximately $1,500.00 to give to Rosebud for deposit

iv) Deposit has been made to the Caterer. Menu will include his Award Winning Clam Chowder

3) Fires Extinguishers - redone

4) Corporate

a) All Taxes are paid

b) All our categories for expenses are now registered

c) Under $700 in merchandise sales over 2 years

d) Assets now total $48,308.00

5) Inventory

a) Inventory completed

b) Flags to be ordered

i) 2 Ambulance Flags - White with Red Cross 80-100 Pantone Colors

ii) 9 - Yellow

iii) 2 - Green

iv) 2 - Red

v) Send to Kenny's House.

c) We have 6 extra complete sets of flags

6) Proficiency Testing - List of all who completed is being compiled for certificate distribution

Next Meeting - July 12, 2011

2011 – May

USARM Board Meeting Minutes
May 17, 2011


Attendees: Jim, Ken, Chris and Mick
Absent: Jan (excused), Ron - Afica (excused), Rosebud
Guests: Ted Kuwada



1.) Contract signed with Laguna Seca

2.) 201 workers - Need more, deadline extended till full

a.) Emails will be sent as reminders to previous workers, etc..

b.) Update website pages.

3.) Inventory 1st Weekend June

4.) Passholders and Lanyards ordered


Proficiency Testing

We've had some folks take it, hoping for more. Everyone has done quite well so far.



Working on updating response/handling section of manual.


Meeting ended at 7:45pm


Next Meeting - June 21, 2011

2011 – April

USARM Board Meeting Minutes
April 19, 2011


Attendees: Jan, Jim, Ken, Mickey & Rosebud
Absent: Ron is in Africa without internet at this time, Chris is unavailable. Both excused.
Guests: Ted Kuwada



1.) Reviewed Draggin Wagon Meeting from Saturday and our action items going forward

2.) Inventory will be done soon.

3.) Lanyards and pass holders to be ordered soon – Leadtime is not an issue.

4.) Flags will be ordered after Inventory – Leadtime is not an issue.

5.) Post Moto-GP stuff on other websites? Not at this time – Not needed.

6.) Update on Applications – 140 now

7.) Morning Meeting Details. Jim will talk to Doug Smith about training and the morning meeting presentation..


Banquet - Deposit to be paid to the chef just two weeks prior to the race.


Corporation Status

1.) Jim met with Tax Accountant, Renee, and reviewed what they could.

2.) Rosebud to finish the paperwork and send onto the State of California. We are still well ahead of the deadline for filing our corporate tax forms due in May 2011.



1.) Balance $14,104.36 as of 4/18/2011. Includes all deposits from memberships.

2.) Mickey did $500 transfer into our account from Paypal tonight.



1.) Mickey will work on getting the Training Manual on PDF and available to download.

2.) Members beginning to do online testing. Mickey made adjustments based on some flagging changes in AMA. He got some great feedback from several members. Jan and Mickey working on Testing Certificate for all members who complete the testing.


Shelby - Mickey corresponded with Ron Cowen. Shelby is using USARM for primary positions and using local track workers as required by Thunderhill. Sears Point is the same scenario and has been for quite some time.


Round Table

1.) Lucky Graham lost his battle with Brain Cancer on April 18th. Bob Stegall lost his battle with cancer today. God Speed Gentlemen! And Thank you!

2.) Jan provided updates to the Board on our new club opportunity.

3.) Photog inquiry from a professional to be directed to Ted. Recommended by Doug Smith. Jan reminded all that Dorna must approve video of any kind at the track but this should be still photos only.

4.) Jan to email Jim and call Rosebud to coordinate a time for a meeting to discuss the taxes for 2010 to be submitted in May 2011.


Meeting Ended at 8:38 pm


Next Meeting - May 17, 2011

2011 – March

USARM Board Meeting Minutes
March 15, 2011


Attendees: Jan, Ken, Mickey, Ron, Chris, Jim & Rosebud
Guest – Ted Kuwada


1.) Contract to Bo – Camping Security, Draggin Wagon, adjusted the wording on the contract for the extra personnel. All changes to the contract are in Blue for Bo to review and sign.

2.) Draggin Wagon – Meeting with Rob and all and Ted. Jan to set up the meeting to discuss 3 trucks and personnel.

3.) Inventory – not scheduled yet.

4.) Need to order lanyards and pass holders

5.) Check with AMA on our flags that we did not get back – one yellow and one green.

6.) Need to order more flags. Motion to get 12 yellow and 4 greens - Find out where we ordered the flags – MSP

7.) Jan to send email to Ann Bixler regarding the schedule and time we need to clear the track.

8.) New training CD from Dorna/FIM received and Mickey will put it up for our workers.

9.) Camping – Jan, Rosebud and Mickey met on Saturday, February 19th.



1.) Executive Chef at Chef’s A La Cart – Motion to use him as the cook again this year. MSP

2.) Motion to have the same menu as last year - MSP


Corporation Status

1.) Accountant

a.) Ron will pass along contact information he has to the Board.

b.) Rosebud looking for local accountant in Gilroy.



1.) Balance – $13,249.29 as of 3/14/2011

2.) California corporation forms to be filed in May 2011

3.) Reviewed deposits and payments have been made

4.) Tax check has cleared – Everything is up to date and on time.



1.) Mickey to call Ron Cowen to check about events for both Shelby and Green Flag.


Minutes from February reviewed - MSP.


Round Table

1.) Rosebud - Make a friend campaign at the track

2.) Ron – Possibly look at Skype for a cost reduction.


Next Meeting - April 19, 2011