2008 – January

Via Conference Call

Directors Present : Jan Weaver, Jim Short, Jim Hileman, Greg Cupp, Kati James, Steve Ynzunza & Ken Berri
Dicrectors Not Present : None
Members Present : None

Old Business

1 Minutes from last meeting - Moved, Seconded and Passed
2 Number Boards
A) Phone number for vendor disconnected.
B) Kati to check if there is a different contact.
3 Banquet/Banquets
A) Possibly Lunch instead of dinner so people don't have to travel at night.
B) Possibly a North and a South banquet raised in December meeting.
C) Need to ensure same budget for each. Make budget per person plus a spending budget.
D) More discussion at next board meeting.
4 Grid
A) Jackie cannot do the Grid any longer.
B) Discussion on what do the members want in the Grid.
C) Dave Jansen would be willing to take over the Grid - Moved, Seconded and Passed
D) Dave to take over Grid in February, Jan to put out Grid for January. Dave to coordinate with Mickey to keep website updated - Moved, Seconded and Passed
E) Updated Membership list from Ted to get labels.
F) Need to coordinate closing info from Jackie.
5 New reimbursement amount from our clubs
A) Updated contracts for all clubs.
B) Forward current agreements to all.
6 Business Cards for new directors
Not needed by Ken or Steve.
7 Keys
A) Steve has Ted's PO Box Key now.
B) Steve to call the PO office to find out who can order a new key.
C) Keys to the Trailer - 5 keys - Gary, Ted, Ron, Gabriel Head - maybe 1 more
8 Merchandise Chairperson
A) Steve will take it over.
9 Financial Reports
A) Treasurer's Report - Unavailable due to illness.
B) Steve to meet with Shelley to transition over financials.

New Business

1 Elections
President - Ken
Vice President - Kati
Secretary - Jan
Treasurer - Steve
Merchandise Chairperson - Steve
Elections - Moved, Seconded and Passed
2 Events
A) Moto-GP - Laguna, Salt Lake and Indy Updates provided
B) Review Moto-GP and AMA contract at next meeting
C) Complete Listing of all Events - Current Dates and who to contact to be sent
D) HMSA Dates - Russell Dates - Kati and Jim to send to me.
E) NCRC in April - Pull Kati's name off the September 13/14. Need new person to coordinate that event.
3 Roundtable
A) Kati - HMSA Possible Conflicting date with AMA - Coronado - Might be same weekend as AMA.
B) Steve - N/A
C) Greg - Jackets for new board members - Discussed - Directors can buy them if they want them.
E) Jim Short - Mark from Russell to get back to him about contract.
F) Jim Hileman - Will check for "car" flags in Moto-GP stock.
G) Easiest way to reach Ken is Cell phone.

Contracts to all groups need to be reviewed.

H) Jan - Jacket issue - Check with Shelley on the exact price.
Next meeting February 19th, moved to February 26th due to conflicting travel plans for some directors.